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20th September 202420th September 2024

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So she likes the Spotify deal? “I like the theory of competitive markets. But—and I have no foregone conclusions about this—we really need to look at the data and the impact of such an important new platform on other format sales. And I have to say, I regret the loss of the connection [in some audio models] between the desire to buy and the act of purchase, because the economics of book publishing are built on the fact we are a bookselling business whether the books are read or not. Severing the link between the impulse to read and the act of buying is existentially threatening for publishing. Generally, I’m in favour of the strategic use of platforms, but when the platform becomes king, that is usually to the disadvantage of the creator.”

There are 45 staff at DHA, more than double than when Kremer joined, with the bulk of that growth coming in the past 10 to 15 years. Part of that was from the acquisition of the Toby Eady, Laura Cecil and Gregory & Company agencies, plus Elise Dillsworth bringing her business over to DHA as an associated agency. But it is also a result of luring new agents and promoting from within.

“The challenge is how to manage the sheer scale of the operation without costs spiralling,” Kremer says. “We have to be efficient, we have to make sure we still have incredible systems. When I go to lunch with an editor or am at a publishing party, I just end up talking about all my colleagues and how incredibly proud I am of everything they do—running through them one by one about how I genuinely think they are the best. So, when we think of growth, it’s maintaining that, at a level that adds to our stability and success.”

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20th September 202420th September 2024

20th September 2024

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20th September 202420th September 2024

20th September 2024

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